
Trail around Siedlce aka "Czachy" (eng. skulls)

Cycle Route 5217550 [] - via [] Not a longest one we've done so far but that&

6 years ago

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Cycle Route 5217550 - via

Not a longest one we've done so far but that's not the point, is it. You might be aware Mazovian voivodship (what an ugly word by the way!) is not exactly a hilly state, but there were a few rather small ridges along the way, especially on our way out of Siedlce. Other than that, again, flat as a pancake, nice country roads with smooth well maintained tarmac and very little traffic. Add sun and clear skies to the mix and you've got yourself a perfect recipe to spend a day outdoors enjoying every single bit of it :)

Took us roughly 5h to complete the loop but we're nowhere near of being in a hurry, so I'm sure some of you may be disappointed reading this. On a racing bike it could be probably done under 2h. Meh ;)

In case you're wondering about the title there's a small village along the route called "Czachy" which directly translates to skulls, speaking of which however we did not find any ;)

Anyways, another nice food joint we can recommend is called "Stolnica", in close vicinity of Siedlce main train station. Polish dumplings, pancakes and nice coffee, also very friendly staff, be sure to check them out:

Until the next time...


Published 6 years ago